This week in class, we have been going over our character analysis papers. The assignment was to find a character that we have previously read about from Sweeney's Lit Reader book and talk about our relation to said character through textual evidence. In my group, it was me and two other girls. We each read our papers to one another and then continued to give our own personal critiques on each others works. I found this exercise less challenging for me because I am a writing tutor. However, I cautiously looked for feedback from the people in my group because I love being able to improve on anything that I write. I take it very seriously. With that being said, I noted everything that they commented and went back and made those changes after class. Next class, Sweeney mentioned that we will be doing the same thing again which I find extremely important because I may pick up on things in my writing that I and my partners had not initially notice.
It would be nice if, next class, we could switch groups just to get a feel for how other people are constructing their papers and to also hear feedback from different perspectives. However, I did enjoy my time with the group that I had on Tuesday and learned some really unique and interesting things about both girls. If I had to pick one thing that I truly enjoy about Sweeney's class, it would be the freedom that he gives us to speak our minds and meet others we may have never met if it weren't for his class.
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