Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Essay #2

In class today, we are watching The Glass Menagerie. We are at the part where Laura is going to have a gentleman caller arranged by her bother Tom who is practically forced by his mother Amanda to find the proper suitor for his kid sister. Little does Laura know that her special caller is the same young man named Jim O' Connor: the person who she was infatuated throughout her time in high school. Reluctant once her mother mentions his name, Laura panics and states that she doesn't want to come to dinner any longer due to fear and her shy exterior. Once the gentleman caller makes it to dinner, Laura faints right on the spot. He brings her dandelion wine and dances with her while connecting with her about her lack of confidence or 'inferiority complex. He, flirting with her, leads her on to believe that she ought to be shown affection. Leaning in to kiss her, the infatuation can be read across Laura's face. However, instantly afterwards, the caller regrets it. The poor girl was finally given some hope, to know that love truly exists. And it's all because her Mr. Nice Guy is affianced. The sickest tragedy. Of course, Laura's mother walks in after Laura hears the news without a clue about Connor's engagement. The entire scene is just gut wrenching. It definitely made the class and great one. 

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